I posted this picture on my insta and Facebook yesterday. Right now I’m in a classical small Swedish village, it’s very well known for it’s Dalahästar, hard bread and Midsummer (maypoles like on the picture). I love this village, it looks the same as it did 1000 years ago. Our apartment is based in one of the oldest buildings, in the “city”. I can see the beautiful sea from the window. We have an open fireplace inside that I love, especially in the winter, and right underneath us is a clothing store where I work a little extra when the boss needs my help. As you might have noticed I love people, and clothes, so to be in the store is very fun for a change. I worked as a waitress a couple of years. One summer I worked selling ice cream and I gained 10 kilos because I
“tasted” the ice cream every day.. haha. During high school I worked as a cleaner and Operator-Assisted Calls, so I would confess I’m pretty good at service minded jobs. 😉 Do you need me for a job I can clean your house, sell your clothes, serve you dinner and answer your phone! ;D Hehe, I’m a workaholic I know. I just came back from a busy tour and all I can think of is ‘give me a job’!! Tomorrow I’m going to the gym for the third day in row, feels nice. Now I will try to get some sleep. Good Night, sweet dreams.
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